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Firefighting Engineering Solutions
Buildings equipped with automatic sprinklers begin extinguishing the fire before firefighters arrive. Fully sprinklered buildings are safer and enjoy lower insurance premiums. We design new sprinkler systems and renovate existing sprinkler systems to meet or exceed building code requirements.
To guard against fire, the fire alarm system automatically calls the fire department upon sensing smoke. We design the fire alarm system, including the various devices and sensors that feed into the fire alarm control panel. If the building is also sprinklered, the fire alarm system will integrate with the sprinkler system to call the fire department upon sensing sprinkler water flow.​​​
For your project specific query, please Contact Us.

Sprinkler Head Layout
Partially/ Fully Sprinklered Building Design
Fire Pump Design
Deluge Sprinkler System
Sprinkler Riser
Standpipe Design
Pre-action System
Pre-action System Design
Dry Sprinkler System
Clean Agent Sprinkler System
Halon Sprinkler System
External Hydrant Design
Fire Alarm Design
High Rise Fire Alarm System Design
Ansul System Design
Elevator Recall Design
Door Unlocking Design
Mass Notification System Design
Addressable System Design
Temporal Fire Alarm System Design
Dry Chemical Extinguishing System
Central Station Monitoring Design
Battery Calculations
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